Dive into the deeper realms of your creative power. Spend seventy-five minutes nourishing your creative spirit with intentional drawing, painting & writing prompts. Go within & SEE what you hold. Spark wonder. Experience creating as relationship with Divine Love.
No art experience necessary; only a willing heART.
Meets virtually • Gathering is recorded
Come let Brigid,
Celtic Goddess & Saint of Healing,
melt the icy places of your heart
toward forgiveness.
This month, you’ll spend a
nourishing time in creative community
as you intentionally tend
a place in your life where you
wish to extend forgiveness.
I’ll guide you on a journey
through several forgiveness practices
inspired by the teachings of Brigid
that will include the written word,
simple drawn lines, and a splash of color.
Once you learn these practices,
you can return to them
whenever you need.
If you are new to Brigid,
this will be a gentle entry to
her creative inspiration as we
move through four
simple forgiveness practices to:
• Dip Below Your Surface Emotions
into Brigid’s Wellspring of Healing
• Let Go of “Strings Attached” and Create a Harp of Love
As You Let Her Sing a New Song to You
• Seed Fresh Intention & Name Your Needs
• Light Your Torch of Desire and
Rest in Brigid’s Eternal Flame
• • •
Let’s melt the hard edges, lighten our load
so that we can experience fuller joy and relate
with love & grace in our day to day relationships.
SIGN UP FOR THE “LOVE (All of) You Oracle Deck Mini-Retreat”
& Receive FREE REGISTRATION to the February Create Circle.
Explore Your Personal Creative Power and Your Unique Buzz that You Add in the Places & Spaces You Go
Release Perfection & Spark Playfulness, Humor and Imagination with the Wisdom of the Holy Fool
Have a Creative Meet-Up with Mother of Your Soul. Let Her Love You Where You Are, As You Are.
In a gentle way, I guide you with line, color and inquiry to bring awareness to your story that leads you toward creative freedom and soulful wisdom.
Expand your intuition as you deepen your listening power. As you create, discern the inner voice of Divine Love and gain confidence in your creative power.
Resist the message to “go, go, go” and experience the magic that occurs when you make room for slowing down to play & ponder.
+ Be Nourished as you Create in a Community of Soulful Explorers
“My time with Ally has been critical life support for me. Ally has awakened color and beauty in my life. When I began “diving deep” with art, I trusted Ally’s leadership and her invitation to LOVE myself and listen to my own voice. She helped me “hear” and “see” in new ways. Ally guided me to linger and be led by feminine wisdom.”
Sue Hudson,
Reverend & Author
Spirited Voyager: A Memoir of Motherhood, Mission and Ministry
a piece of 9"x12" Watercolor paper OR
a 7”x10” Mixed Media Sketchbook, like this
a pencil
a black permanent marker
watercolors recommended (this is what I use to demonstrate)