Come on a soulful journey to honor your inner wisdom
with paint, ritual & intentional inquiry.
Explore your world with playful mark-making,
compassionate gaze and LET YOUR TRUE COLORS SHINE.
“While on a 3-month sabbatical, I had the privilege of experiencing Ally’s creative direction. I had no background in painting and no idea what to expect, but she immediately set me at ease with her nurturing presence. Ally is so gifted at making soulful, sacred space. Weaving painting, music and art together, she designed sessions that truly awakened my questions, hopes and stirrings and helped me return to my “knowing”. It was such a gift to see my “Midwife of Presence & Possibility” come to life. Time with her was one of the most meaningful parts of my sabbatical!”
Susan Rogers, Pastor of The Well at Springfield
How does life change when you begin to claim that Divine Love lives inside your very cells and not outside of yourself? You BECOME a living sanctuary connected to love, prayer, rhythm and nature — made to BE. If you are looking to heal from “production” mentality, explore yourself as a sacred vessel and embrace a rhythm of rest, this experience is for you. Release “DO”-ing for “BE”-ing. Create your Sanctuary Muse and link to the grace of YOU.
What happens if the transition you’re moving through becomes an invitation to sacred adventure where YOU are the spirited voyager? Honor your walk from “this” to “that” by bringing love, prayer and attention to the steps on your path with a paintbrush! Embrace the whole of your experience as you tend to what you are leaving behind AND bubble with the possibility of what lies ahead. Allow your Voyager Muse to come to life and be surprised by his/her wise guidance for your journey.
Have you ever been afraid to draw or make a mark on a blank sheet of paper out of fear you’d “get it wrong?” Discover whimsy and wonder as groovy guides to help you boldly paint through your resistance. Gently woo your voice of perfection (I call her “Just So”) to reveal her deeper concerns. Explore your rules & restrictions and rewrite them to include frolic and play. Paint your Whimsical Muse/Creature and embrace “imperfection” as a surprising element of delight for life.
Who is MotherGod — She who has been here since the beginning? Come to the table of Ruah. Wisdom. Sophia. Eve. Mary. Wisdom. Experience the deep love of the Mother as you bring her, layer by layer, to life on your canvas. Let her reveal secrets of the dark, wise whispers and compassionate care for your BE-ing. The Mother is the Source from which all things come — She is waiting for YOU! Paint your Mother Muse and you will SEE.
Who am I? I’m a seeker. A mystic. A dreamer. And, a woman who loves to encourage YOU to bloom into a fuller version of yourself with creative practice. I’ve traveled a spiral spiritual road to find my way to the feet of the Sacred Feminine, who, with open arms, invites, “Come. Sit. Be. Create. Nourish. Love. Speak.” I love to share my passion for color and Divine surprise with the world. Imagination lights me up and creative play is a saving grace. I believe life is a soul adventure to dive in and savor deeply.
I have a breadth of experience to share with you! I’ve been an artist and writer since I can remember, graduating with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in 1999. I was an active layperson and elder in the church for many years leading groups and studies. This experience opened a desire to deepen into spiritual practices; I received a Certificate in Spiritual Formation from Columbia Theological Seminary in 2017. The study of Spiritual Formation led me back to my art. In 2018, I trained with artist, Shiloh Sophia of Musea, to become a certified Intentional Creativity® Educator. In 2020, I certified with Musea again, as a certified Red Thread Guide to strengthen my ability to host circles with intention and love at the center.
In the 1-on-1 TRUE YOU Creative Formation Painting Experience, I guide you to explore your story with paint, writing and intention. My style of teaching is playful and gentle; direct and deep. My being soars when I witness people discover the power and WISDOM they hold within. I’d love to companion your SOULFUL painting journey!
“Ally helped me learn to paint in the most meaningful and JOYFUL way. The intentional creative journey with Ally helped me to connect with my Highest Self AND the true desires of my heart. This alchemical process brought me a greater experience of FREEDOM & FUN that my soul had been longing for and brought more alignment and clarity into my life through PLAYFUL painting and writing! Ally brings lightheartedness to deep soul exploration with skillful, gentle and patient guidance. Every session with her is a beautiful, personalized experience as Ally intuitively and lovingly prepares for each creative session. Creating with Ally is DIVINELY MAGICAL founded in DIVINE LOVE!”
Bobbie Boisselle, Holistic Bodyworker & Reiki Master Teacher
Below is a typical example of the process. If you look closely, you’ll see that all these layers progress on the same canvas!
You do not need to be an “artist” to paint with me! As you navigate this page, notice if your body buzzes with excitement considering this painting journey! If so, then lean in and listen to that joy. This experience is about taking you into the heart of your story with painting as the medium.
The first step of the True You 1-on-1 Creative Formation Experience is to connect with me during a 30-minute Zoom gathering. This is a no pressure conversation to simply connect and share. You tell me about your story and what you are seeking and I share more about the True You Experience. I answer any of the questions you may have. This allows us both to sense whether we are a good fit to work together!
Once you say, “Yes”, we schedule our first longer conversation, where I inquire more deeply about the transformation you are seeking. At that time, I ask for a $150 deposit and we schedule our first painting session. Before we paint together, I send you an email with a rough draft of where we will head on our 7-session painting journey and the themes we will traverse. You can adjust or add, as needed.
Painting sessions can be in person (local to Moore County, NC) or virtual; scheduled 2 to 4 weeks apart. If you’re painting with me virtually, I’ll provide a materials list of what you’ll need. We paint on our canvas and write in our journal during every session. Each two-hour session includes additional spiritual practices that may include embodiment, visualization, breathing techniques or mini-creative practice.
The TRUE YOU experience is a soulful process where you’ll navigate some aspect of your sacred story to bring love, compassion and healing to it. I’m not a therapist and do not give advice. Rather, I point you to listen to your own wisdom as you paint. As you move through the many layers, you’ll navigate sacred questions. A common place I begin with people is to invite, “What is your prayerful intention for yourself and your journey?” Then, I’ll ask you to paint your intention on the canvas. In this way, you name, claim and see your intention rise before your eyes. It is the foundation of your painting.
The beginning layers are a beautiful merge of pattern, line and color. Often, surprises come about where you may “see” something that is meaningful to you. During the third or fourth session, we add the face of our muse onto the canvas. I give you guidance on a way to make a simple face. Her/His unique shape and expression begins to take form.
From this point forward, you’ll have somewhat of a conversation with your muse, as she brings guidance, compassion, and love to your life. I guide you to practice gazing upon her with eyes of compassion. Once she is on the canvas, each remaining session is about tending and listening in for her wisdom. She often reveals a fresh vision for your life.
“Ally is an amazing creative guide and companion! During an unexpected time of transition, I was so grateful for her compassionate presence and gentle prompts which helped me move through many emotions and tune into my inner knowing. The painting that I created during our sessions together beautifully holds the many layers of that journey.”
Emily McCollum, Emily McCollum Art
Curated soulful, painting journey designed for YOUR specific needs
My eyes, ears and heart focused on YOU and YOUR story
Seven (120-minute painting) sessions that include a transformative, intentional guided painting process
with some of the following included in each session: writing, visualization & embodied ritual
Email check-ins in-between gatherings with additional writing/painting prompts
A completed, colorful Muse painted by YOU that holds the wholeness and vision of your story.
+ Closing Ceremony & Celebration
My heart does a happy dance when a soul sparkler, such as YOURSELF, signs up to work with me one-on-one. I understand (both) the trepidation AND anticipation of such a soulful, playful, deep journey! Whether you sign up to connect with me or choose to go another route, I want to affirm that taking a RISK on yourself and making the investment of time, money and energy IN TENDING YOUR SACRED STORY is worth it!
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8 Payments
• $150 Deposit required upon booking; then 7 additional payments required
• 10% Savings Available if You Pay All at Once
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8 Payments
$130 Deposit required upon booking; then 7 additional payments required
• 10% Savings Available if You Pay All at Once